Tree Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions of Trade of Southern Cross Truffles Ltd (the Vendor) trading as Kings Truffles

Where the Consumers Guarantees Act 1993 applies to any goods, nothing in these Terms and Conditions affects the Customers rights and remedies under that Act.

General Conditions
All orders are accepted only on the basis that the Customer has accepted the order and the following conditions of sale, which together shall constitute the full and complete contract (the Contract) between the Customer and the Vendor (the Contract).

All prices, and any offers for supply or price lists, are subject to variation without notice. All retail prices include GST and exclude freight (unless by prior arrangement). Trade prices to approved trade account holders exclude GST, which is payable in addition to the prices and at the same time.

Order Confirmation
On receipt of the Customer’s order, the Vendor will acknowledge availability, or otherwise, of the goods required with an ‘order confirmation’, or ‘service confirmation’, which may request a non-refundable deposit of up to 25%, payable immediately. If after 30 days no deposit is received the order may be cancelled without notice. Confirmed orders will be supplied in full subject to any shortages caused by conditions beyond our control.

The balance of the invoice is payable on collection, or, if freighted, within 7 days of invoice date.

For approved trade account holders, (those who have completed our credit application form, and been approved) payment is due on the 20th of the month following delivery. Credit is given at the Vendor’s absolute discretion and may be suspended at any time without notification to the Customer.

Payment may be made direct to our bank account, or by cheque or cash.

All goods remain the property of the Vendor until full payment has been received.

Any overdue accounts will be charged compounding interest at 3% per month. The Vendor has the option to suspend the delivery of further goods until the account is paid in full.

The Customer agrees to indemnify the Vendor for and pay, on demand, all costs incurred by the Vendor (including legal costs on a solicitor-client basis and debt collection costs) in the recovery or attempted recovery of unpaid moneys and/or the enforcement of these Terms and Conditions or the Security Interest contained in these Terms and Conditions.

If an Event of Default occurs, the Vendor may suspend or terminate any contract with the Customer, and all amounts the Customer owes the Vendor shall immediately become due and payable notwithstanding that the due date has not arisen.

An “Event of Default” means an event where:
• The Customer defaults in any payment or the Customer fails to comply with the terms of any contract with the Vendor; or
• The Customer commits an act of bankruptcy; or
• The Customer enters into any composition or arrangement with the Customer’s creditors; or
• The Customer does anything that makes the Customer liable to be put into liquidation, or a resolution is passed or an application is made for the Customer’s liquidation; or
• A receiver, administrator or statutory manager is appointed over all or any of the Customer’s assets.
Delivery may be by collection from the nursery or by freighting to a destination. The Vendor will arrange freight and invoice the costs direct to the Customer. Five working days notice must be given to the Vendor prior to delivery or collection. The goods become the responsibility and are at the sole risk of the Customer on leaving the nursery premises. The Customer should insure the goods accordingly.

The Vendor has the right to make deliveries in instalments.

Failure or delay by the Vendor in making delivery shall not entitle the Customer to repudiate this Contract. At the end of the agreed delivery period, should the Customer still want the goods, the Vendor has the right to charge a maintenance fee of 10% per month on top of the purchase price until such time as the Customer takes delivery. In such circumstances the Vendor takes no responsibility for any deterioration of quality of the goods.

The Customer is liable for all goods ordered under this Contract, including those not required by the Customer by the close of the delivery period, and accordingly the Customer may be invoiced in full or part, and any deposit lost. The Vendor may on-sell or otherwise dispose of goods not taken by the Customer at the end of the delivery period. The Customer has no right of credit if the undelivered goods are on-sold or otherwise disposed of.

The right to reject non-conforming or defective goods shall be limited to rejection notified in writing to the Vendor within 48 hours of receipt of goods, and the goods returned to the Vendor within 48 hours of receipt at the Customer’s expense. Disagreements over what constitutes a non-conforming or defective good should be resolved by discussions between the parties in the first instance. If agreement is not reached then an independent arbitrator should be appointed as mutually agreed by both parties. The arbitrator’s decision will be binding on both parties. Claims for goods damaged in transit should be made to the last carrier. This paragraph prevails over the following one (Limitation of Liability).

Limitation of Liability
The Vendor is not liable to its Customer for any loss or damage arising from delay or failure to perform its obligations due to any matter beyond its reasonable control.

Neither the Vendor or its employees or agents will be liable to the Customer for any claim for breach of contract (except as follows in the paragraph following) or Statute or breach of duty in tort (including negligence) or for any claim in equity or otherwise at law.

The Customer’s sole remedy shall be limited to breach of contract and the extent of any such liability shall be limited to an amount equal to the price charged for the particular goods or services to which the breach relates. The Vendor will not, in any case, be liable for any other losses or damages whether general, exemplary, punitive, direct, indirect or consequential, including loss of business profits.

No action may be brought against the Vendor unless notice of such claim is given to the Vendor within one week of Delivery of the Goods or provision of the Services. The Vendor shall be released from all or any liability unless proceedings are brought in a Court of competent jurisdiction within one year of the date of delivery of the Goods or provision of the Services.

The Customer shall comply with all instructions of the Vendor in relation to the handling and use of the goods and services, and, notwithstanding such compliance, the Customer shall keep the Vendor indemnified against all costs, claims, demands and liabilities of whatsoever nature, including without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing, claims for death, personal injury, damage to property and consequential loss (including loss of profits or income), which may be made against the Vendor or which the Vendor may sustain, pay or incur as a result of or in connection with the manufacture, sale or use of the goods or services, unless such cost, claim, demand, expense or liability shall be directly and solely attributable to the negligence of the Vendor or the negligence of a duly authorised employee or agent of the Vendor.

Conditions of Sale
We take all reasonable care to have all trees, plants, seed, fungi etc to be of merchantable quality, and to be true to name and description, but any express or implied conditions, statements or warranty whether arising by statute or common law or otherwise as to merchantable quality, names or description are, to the full extent permitted by the law, hereby excluded. Errors and omissions are accepted.

With regard to consultancy advice given, no assurance or warranty is given expressly or implied as to the accuracy, timing, or extent of any projections or predictions given. Nor is there any guarantee given that any husbandry or management suggestions given will have any or all of any intended or predicted results.

Tree seedlings are tested in-house for acceptable rate of fungi activity, unless otherwise stated.

Personal Property Securities Act 1999 (“PPSA”)
This Contract constitutes a security interest in the goods for the purposes of the PPSA as security for payment by the Customer of all amounts due under this Contract, including any future amounts.

The Customer agrees to promptly execute and deliver to the Vendor all assignments, transfers and other agreements and documents and do anything else which the Vendor may deem appropriate to perfect the Vendor’s security interest in any Products, or obtain the priority required by the Vendor or register (and renew registration) a financing statement for a security interest in favour of the Vendor in the Products.

To the extent that Part 9 of the PPSA applies, the Customer agrees that the provisions of sections 114(1)(a), 117(1)(c), 120, 122, 133 and 134 of the PPSA which are for the Customers benefit, or place any obligations on the Vendor in the Customers favour, shall not apply; and where the Vendor has rights in addition to those in Part 9 of the PPSA, those rights shall continue to apply.

To the extent that Part 9 of the PPSA applies, without limiting anything in the previous paragraph, the Customer hereby waives its rights under sections 116, 119, 120(2), 121, 125, 126, 127, 129, 131 and 132 of the PPSA.

Use of Information
The Customer acknowledges that information (including personal information) collected by the Vendor concerning the Customer may be stored, used or disclosed in order to determine whether or not the Vendor will provide or continue to provide credit to the Customer, and enforce any obligations the Customer may have to the Vendor in respect of that credit. The Customer acknowledges that the personal information will be held by the Vendor at its main trading address, and that the Customer has the right as a sole trader, partnership, trustee or as a director of a company to obtain access to and request correction of the personal information provided in accordance with the Privacy Act 1993. The Customer must notify the Vendor of any change in circumstances that may affect the accuracy of the information the Customer provided the Vendor. The Customer authorises the Vendor to obtain any personal information concerning the Customer that the Vendor considers necessary to perform the above purposes from any person or organisation. The Customer also authorises any person from whom the Vendor requests information (including personal information) concerning the Customer, to release that information to the Vendor. The Customer also authorises the Vendor to release any such information to any person for the purposes of determining credit worthiness, for communicating promotional activities and product information and for debt collection purposes.

General Provisions
These terms and conditions may apply to all transactions where the Vendor supplies Goods or Services to the Customer. If there is any inconsistency between these terms and conditions or any order submitted by the Customer or any other arrangement with the Vendor, these terms prevail unless otherwise agreed by the Vendor in writing.

If any provision of these terms and conditions is held by any court to be illegal, void or unenforceable, such determination shall not impair the enforceability of the remaining provisions.

If the Vendor exercises or fails to exercise any right or remedy available to the Vendor, this shall not prejudice the Vendor’s rights in exercising that or any other right or remedy. Waiver of any term of the contract must be specified in writing by the Vendor and signed by an authorised person.

The Customer may not transfer or assign all or any of the Customer’s rights or obligations under this contract without the Vendor’s prior written consent.
This contract and its terms are governed by, and shall be construed in accordance with, the laws of New Zealand. Both parties submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the New Zealand Courts.

The Vendor may review and change these terms and conditions at any time and from time to time. Any such change will take effect from the date on which the Vendor notifies the Customer of the change.

By signing,  the Customer agrees in full to the above Terms and Conditions of Trade of the Vendor, Southern Cross Truffles Ltd trading as Kings Truffles.


_____________________________________________________ (Customer Signature)

_____________________________________________________ (Customer Name)

___________________________ (Date)

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